A recent government report indicated that Student Loan Debts are now greater than Credit Card Debt, with over 1.2 TRILLION Dollars owed on Student Loan debt. If you have a Government guaranteed loan there are currently a number of programs to help you manage the dept. All of the information you need can be found at www.studentloanborrowersassistance.org You don’t need to “call today” for a free consultation, or hire an attorney to get you into a repayment plan. However, if you are dealing with a private student loan, or seeking a discharge a qualified attorney may be the way to go. Discharging a student loan generally requires a separate lawsuit, in a Bankruptcy proceeding, although federal loans can be administratively discharged under certain circumstances. No matter what type of loan you have a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy can give you temporary relief while addressing any other debt you may have.
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Bankruptcy Attorney serving Grand Rapids Michigan and all of Western Michigan